Friday, 21 October 2011

dark circles under eye or black shades in any where in your body

Dark circles make a person look old and tired, but they can be treated and in some cases eliminated. Trying the at-home treatments and making some changes in your diet may go a long way to helping improve the look of your eyes.  Treating dark circles start with small changes, but if you feel you want or need help contact a doctor or dermatologists. They can help you determine the underlying cause and the best treatment. Surgery and other cosmetic procedure should only be used as a last resort and may not be a permanent fix, so incorporate lifestyle changes such as avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, eating a well balanced diet, and reducing emotional and physical stress.

Dark circle are rarely a sign of exhaustion or illness, so they are harmless, but unsightly. They make a person look tired, old and unhealthy. Both men and women get dark circles and they usually begin in adulthood, but children can get them too. Some of the most common causes include:
  • Rubbing or scratching the area
  • Heredity
  • Allergies
  • Atopic dermatitis/Eczema
  • Nasal congestion that can cause veins to dilate and darken
  • Sun exposure causes production of melanin
  • Pigmentation irregularities
  • Dehydration
  • Anemia
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of vitamin K
The body’s natural defenses can deal with this sort of thing quite effectively through enzymes that break down red blood cells, as well as the molecule responsible for their red color, hemoglobin. The problem with this is the fact that the components left after breaking down the hemoglobin are dark blue to black in color, just like in a bruise.
While this is rarely a major problem around the rest of the body, the translucent skin in the zone around the eyes leaves these dark components visible.
Allergies/ Sinus Problems While many types of allergies can be at least partly the cause dark circles, the main culprits are nasal allergies, which cause obstructions within the nasal passages and often lead to sinus problems. Both allergies and other chronic sinus problems can give an appearance of dark bruising around the eyes and the bridge, or top area of the nose.
Exposure to Sun While too much exposure to UV rays should be avoided on any body part, the sensitive skin around one’s eyes needs to be particularly well protected to prevent speeding up the aging process and deepening dark circles.
Lack of Sleep Losing sleep for whatever the reasons deprives the body of a chance to heal and regenerate. Dark circles are one of the most obvious signs of fatigue and getting plenty of restful sleep will assist in reducing them.
Stress Excessive stress is public enemy number one, especially when it comes to trying to get a peaceful night’s sleep. Learning to reduce stress by not letting things get on top, getting advice from trusted people when necessary and sharing problems rather than trying to shoulder them alone will all assist in reducing stress levels.
  • Chronic Illness Kidney, thyroid and stomach problems, especially when chronic, are likely causes of dark under-eye circles, as are relatively minor afflictions, such as colds or flu, for example. Getting the illness, whether minor or chronic, treated should ultimately reduce, if not completely remove the dark circles.
  • Anemia Being anemic, or low in hemoglobin, can equally cause dark circles, especially in menstruating women, after child birth or major operations, and can be combated with iron and vitamin C supplements.
To ensure overall health, a well balanced, healthy diet including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, freshly cooked meat, fish, foods providing fiber, etc, should be maintained. Healthy skin can be promoted in particular with foods rich in vitamins E, C, K, A and B complex; elements copper, iron, selenium and zinc, as well as Omega 3 oil rich fish, such as mackerel, trout or tune, for instance.
These particular vitamins and elements assist the skin by stimulating the natural production of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin, thereby promoting strength, tightness and elasticity. In addition, they stimulate the distribution of oxygen, provide natural protection against infections and sunlight, strengthen capillary walls and other skin tissue and prevent fluid retention.
 dark circles under eye or black shades in any where in your body

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Bring Love Into Your Life

So many people are complaining about the lack of love in their life. They act as if some stranger decided one day to take away the love out of their lives. They hold on to lovers already gone since eternity, or they dream about a partner coming into their life to give them everything they are not able to give themselves. They balance between hope and desperation. They look for love outside themselves .

Other people are trying to survive in a bad relationship that holds their greatness hostage. They live in fear and anger every day but don't know how to get out of this prison.

The good news is YOU can do a lot yourself to feel loved.

Life is like a building. There are a lot of floors : the ground floor, the cellar, the first floor, second floor and so on. The higher you go in the building, the more light there is, the easier and lighter things are, the more friendly and energetic people are, the higher are the vibrations and most of all : the more love there is.

Picture this building of life in your mental eye. In the cellar you will find people like rapers, thiefs, harassers, killers, people who beat their children or companion and others who made a life out of hurting others.
On the groundfloor you will find a lot of people. In fact most of humanity lives here. These are the ones who content themselves by vegetating instead of living. They don't think by themselves, they undergo life. They do nothing. They live like robots. They go to their job every day, come home every day, watch the same television program every day with a beer in one hand and a hotdog in the other hand. They do not dream. They are stuck in their lifestyle and think everything will always be the same.

Then you go up. As I said, the higher you get, the easier, the lighter life is. Life IS easy, life IS light. The cellar, groundfloor and lower floors are creations from the human mind. We created these lifestyles by our heavy thoughts, thoughts about scarcity, fear, death, anger, sadness, revenge and so on. Here are the lives of those who choose to think low energy thoughts. Those who live in fear, hate, jealousy, doubts, low self esteem, troubles. Those have bad relationships, where struggle and anger and negativity set the tone. They are not happy. They maintain the illusion everything is someone else's fault and they have either to wait for the other to change, so their life will change, or they have to destroy the other one to have a better life (think of the one who kills the husband of the woman he wants to live with, or those who kill other minded people in order to be free to live like they want). This will never give freedom or love.

So what you want to be loved? You decided you wanted a life in the vibration of the 17th floor, where there is love, real friendship, positive expectations, inner strength, power, a job you like, health and wealth.What to do? Should you wait until someone will knock on your door to take you there? No way! Will never happen! Even if you would meet someone with an energy level of 17, he will never carry you from the 3rd to the 17th floor, because he will be exhausted. It needs to be YOUR decision and YOUR action!!

So YOU have to move yourself up. How? Learn how you can create your life by changing your thoughts and your behavior! Go to workshops where you can learn how to unleash you inner power. Use the wonderful information bank which is called Internet and which offers you a bunch of positive information and e-courses (often for free). Surround you with loving people. Learn how to love yourself.

Once you get at the floor of your choice, let's say 17, you will meet automatically people who vibrate at this level of energy. Energy-17 people. Loving, caring, wonderful people. People who feel good about themselves and who don't need others to steal their energy. They learned how to generate energy by themselves. They are not slaves. They are not dominators. They love and respect others.

If you live in a bad relationship right now, and you do whatever you can to get yourself moving higher, you will see what will happen. Your partner, who is still vibrating on energy 3 or 2 or on cellar-level won't be able to follow you and you will take separate roads.

Everybody should decide for himself. Don't carry others on your back, you will crack down! Decide for yourself, go for it, and see what happens. The higher you get in energy-levels, the better it will be. There you will agree with me : life is wonderful!
