Friday, 4 May 2012

Homeopathy is the proper treatment for man who is seek or ill, because it is the best medical science available in cheap cost.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

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Monday, 12 March 2012

corporate crime

Corporate crime? I'm  sure that there is such a thing. If we want to reduce the crimes that are given that name, we need to quit handing out large punitive fines to corporations. The idea isn't as radical as it sounds.

Who Pays For Corporate Crime?

Exactly who pays when a large corporation is fined for breaking the law? To begin with, the stockholders pay. Many of these are innocent retirees who have money invested with the company and had no idea they were breaking the law. Then the employees pay with the loss of jobs, if the financial situation of the company is damaged by the fines. Who doesn't pay? Just the criminals - the individuals who chose to break the law.

All crimes are committed by PEOPLE, not companies. When a company dumps poisons into the environment, a PERSON made the decision to do that (or several people). When a company steals from a pension fund or violates workers rights, INDIVIDUALS made those decisions. People commit corporate crime,and the corporations under their control!

If you want to stop corporate crime, start putting the individuals who are involved in the crime in PRISON. Our current system often has company officers making cost/benefit calculations as to whether the profits from certain crimes are greater than what the occasional fines add up to. Even though laws are broken, they stand little chance of being held personally responsible. Why not hold them responsible?

To fine companies for the actual costs imposed on others by a crime is appropriate. We have to clean up toxic messes, and in other cases compensate those who suffer damages. This also means that shareholders have a reason to be careful in who they elect to the board of directors. However, "punitive" fines are ridiculous unless they are levied against the individual criminals. Make the person who committed the crime pay the fine.

Is this such a radical idea? I don't think so! By the way, which do you think is more likely to deter a corporate officer from committing a crime, a fine that is paid by the company, and doesn't even affect his salary, or ten years in jail? The answer to that gives us the answer to corporate crime.

Education is the key to success

Education is the most essential step towards success, its creator and evaluator. There is no development without education and we can see the truth of this statement nowadays. Countries of Euro Union, the USA, China and Japan and many others that are considered post-industrial, know the value of education and their development is very high due to the level of education in each country. Exhausted by wars, revolutions and other acts of violence, countries of the third world do not have the possibility to develop because every other effort made to get out of the gutter of the world unity is met by rebellions and another wave of violence. The "Powder Keg" of the world, the region Gaza is the hottest spot where all of striking news about military and terrorist actions comes from.

According to the information provided by UNICEF there are nearly 70,000 children in the Gaza Strip. This organization held a test to evaluate the education level in Palestine region and results were even below expected. According to the latest statistics the percentage of educated people is 30%. This figure is expected to decrease due to the high death rate. Young people that received education die either of hunger or as victims of action. The UNICEF determines two major reasons for the low percentage: lack of supplies and restriction. Palestine is a Muslim country and the cradle of extremist branches of this religion where some sacred laws exist. One of such laws is prohibition fro ladies and girls to get education. According to Koran a woman is a helping hand beside the husband that has to be the head of family, region and state. Women can not exceed men in power and intelligence. Though those who ignore the law are punished and banished if not assassinated, brave women try to get education in order to get the country out of poverty. Lack of supplies is also a problem. To get proper education young individuals need professionals to maintain the process and necessary equipment to work with. The situation in the country is unstable and there is no building in this strip that has not been damaged by the war. People no longer feel secure and confident. To return hope to homes of Palestinians UN and UNICEF provide Palestine with necessary supplies establishing kits of aid.

People of post-industrial countries do not fully realize that the situation that was created in Palestine is related to them to some extent. Ignorant society makes poor peoples angrier and more hopeless. The tragedy is in front of us and we keep silent hiding behind our daily routine. There is nothing a person can do alone but together we are powerful and it is within our power to help and to support. It is within our power to bring hope into the homes of Palestinians.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Feng Shui studies

Feng Shui is relevant to any body. You can practice Feng Shui in any situation and living environment. Anyone who is interested in knowing about nature and is interested in improving the quality of life forself and others is sure to be benefited by Feng Shui study.

The Feng Shui study helps you to have deep and clear understanding of the energetics of environment; discovering how to begin balancing and positively activating energy in your working and living environments. It is only after a proper Feng Shui study that you are in position to explore new ideas and techniques and learn to extend the basic principles of Feng Shui to healing your body, mind and spirit.

Flying Star Feng Shui

Flying Star or Xuan Kong Feng Shui is the most advanced level of Feng Shui study, it adds a time dimension to a building's energy. The advanced Compass School also integrates the Eight House Theory to provide a comprehensive & professional analysis of a house.

Feng Shui study under this school enables you to predict the good times and the bad times from year to year, month to month and day –to-day based which are based on the natal or the birth day chart of each house.

Feng Shui consultant of this school suggests enhancements for every home after a complete Feng Shui study is made to know how the nine different "stars" or energies are moving or flying to different compass directions every year, month, day and hour. Base Charts of all nine periods are constructed based on the study. The residents' dates of birth are also taken into account. The school also gives consideration to the form as it affects the stars.

Compass School Feng Shui

Compass School divides the structure into the eight compass directions using a lo pan compass. Each person has four good compass directions and four bad compass directions which are based on their year of birth and gender, the person either belongs to either the East Group or the West Group. A building's sitting direction determines whether it is an East or West Group structure. Each compass direction has a Feng Shui element associated with it: water, wood, earth, metal, or fire. A Feng Shui consultant who is proponent of this school suggests best compass directions for sleeping and working which can tremendous affect for improving your life

Form School Feng Shui
Under the 'The Form School of Feng Shui' one makes a systematic Feng Shui study to understand how the shapes and forms of the surrounding landscape and waterways affect people living or working in a structure. The four cardinal directions of the compass are represented by four animals which are the Green Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Red Phoenix of the South and the Black Turtle of the North. Interior forms and the layout of the structure are also analyzed and Feng Shui consultation is made by understanding the many implications of the color.

Western Feng Shui/BTB (Black Hat Sect Tibetan Buddhist)/Pyramid

This is a modern version of Feng Shui developed in the mid 1980s and is a combination of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism ,Psychology and Traditional Feng Shui and is based on a more spiritual approach. The structure is divided into eight sections and a bagua or Ba Gua map is aligned with the entry door, rather than actual compass directions. Each section corresponds to a different life aspiration. The Feng Shui study gives more emphasis on placing of symbols. The Feng Shui consultation also draws from modern psychology and design principles besides the ancient wisdom. Its guiding principle is that changing the subtle energetic (Chi) alignments and flows in a given space can change a situation's inherent intention, hence changing the fate of its inhabitants.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Why should you publish a book

Why would anyone want to create a printed book, when then can create eBooks a lot more easily -- and cheaply? Why would anyone want to get mired in the process of printing and shipping physical books that take time to deliver to customers, when they can deliver a digital information product immediately, with no additional production or shipping costs? What's the point of having a tree-killing artifact of yesteryear in your creative portfolio?

Well, like it or not, a lot of people still prefer printed books to eBooks. They like -- no, they love -- the feel of a printed copy in their hands. It gives them a sense of well-being and solidity, to have a physical work they can carry with them and put on their bookshelves. They're "old school" and they like it that way. Or, they just never warmed up to eBooks or digital media.

I had a conversation with an international television reporter about one of my books that was coming out soon -- I didn't yet have the printed version in my hands, but I had a PDF eBook I could send him. He said many times over that he hated to read eBooks, but that was all I had at the time, and so I sent it to him. It would have been a whole lot better if I could have sent him a printed copy, instead. Of course, I made do with what I had, but if only...

Now, there's a very good reason some people like printed books better than eBooks -- they can read them anywhere, anytime, without needing a computer to do it. For all the talk about "portable media," these days, a book is really the ultimate in portable media! It fits in your hand, it doesn't require batteries, and there are no complicated instructions to figure out! As advanced as our technology may be, there's nothing like a book to truly "transport information" quickly and efficiently, across the bounds of time and space.

Ironic, isn't it, that the ultimate medium for portable, instantaneous information sharing is just the thing that a lot of us thought was on its way out, with the advent of the internet!

Books are not "reserved" for the technologically gifted. They're not available only to people with a computer and a broadband connection. They're easy to use, easy to transport, and -- unlike some of the cutting-edge entertainment technology available today -- everybody understands what they're all about.

When you publish a printed book, you level the playing field for potential customers, and you make it possible for a wider variety of people to access and enjoy your work.

Another reason to create a printed book, is for credibility. With a printed book in hand -- especially one with an ISBN -- you can approach magazines and newspapers and radio and television hosts and have something in hand to talk about with them. You can mail your book to reviewers and reporters, and you can hold up your creation for the camera, when it comes time to tell the audience what all the excitement is about. And when members of your audience go to their local bookstore to see if they carry your book (depending on what service you use to publish your book), they can put in a request for the book from the bookstore, and potentially help you get it stocked on the bookshelf stores. (Though you may already be convinced, like many other infopreneurs, that bookstores are not the place to sell books, still, it doesn't hurt to see your book on the shelves of a brick-and-mortar store.)

Probably my favorite reason to publish in print, is how it can take your ideas to a whole new level and get you the kind of exposure once reserved only for the connected elite. Having a book in print has a way of instantly establishing you as an expert, in ways that producing (even getting rich from) digital information products can't, in the "real world" offline. When people hear you've written a book, and they see that book in your hands, a connection kicks in, somewhere inside their heads, that says you must be pretty smart. Chances are, it's true -- you are! But the perception of others that you must be one smart cookie, since you've written this book, usually doesn't get so far as to delve into the nature of your book, if it's any "good," or if your work is widely accepted and respected in academic or commercial circles.

Everyday folks have an innate respect for people who can write down enough coherent thought, and organize it completely enough, to produce a book. An awful lot of people never get that far. Some may think about it, but never do it. As a published author, as far as a lot of folks are concerned, you're in a league of your own. And that's a pretty good feeling!

I've gotten a bit of practice having that feeling. To my friends and family, I'm "just Kay" and that's fine with me. All that fame business just kind of gets in the way, when it comes to my personal relationships. But to people who read the international press in the areas I publish in (technology and cross-cultural concerns), I have a somewhat different persona -- I'm a published author who has caught the attention of folks from Asia and Europe with a controversial and rabble-rousing work that hit the presses in the fall of 2006. It's pretty cool, to come across people from far away, who have read reviews of my books in magazines and newspapers I've never heard of. And I've got some pretty cool clippings of articles that mention me -- and my book -- exclusively, or in passing. That was all possible, because I published a printed book. It doesn't matter that I have eBook versions of my works available for instant download. Most of the time, that's not even on the radar of the mainstream international press. In fact, if anything, they kind of turn up their noses when I mention my eBook. But my printed version of that same book... well, that's another story.

Publishing a printed book widens the reach of your ideas in ways that digital media can't quite do. You open up your ideas to a whole different audience, and you get the chance to make even more of an impact with your concepts and your unique "take" on the world... taking a position of true thought leadership in a hurting world that's sorely in need of fresh, new ideas. In fact, now is really the perfect time to be stepping out as a innovative new author in the print publishing world. The old formulas and the old ways of seeing the world and talking about it and conceptualizing it and relating to it, are pretty tired and worn out. We need fresh new ideas, brilliant new insights, and innovative ways of thinking about our world. You may have distilled everything you know and popped it into an eBook, but the print world offers you yet another medium (or "channel," if you prefer marketing lingo) for your ideas.

My favorite reason of all for publishing a printed book, is the profound satisfaction that comes from holding a real, honest-to-goodness tangible book in your hands. I've been a book reader for over 30 years, and I've never lost my love for the sight of words on a printed page. All the better, when those words are mine! Some would call it vanity, but I call it doing my talents justice... and having something to show for all my work, all those live-long years of writing, writing, and writing some more, against all odds, hope against hope. I'm a very tactile person, when it comes to words, too, so I like to have something to hang onto. Digital is great -- it's my medium of choice, these days -- but I can't flip through the pages of a PDF quite the same way I can thumb through a book.

It really is an incredibly exciting time to be a writer and independent publisher! I'm so deeply grateful to have been born at this point in history, with my love of language and books -- and the ability to put that love into manifest product. The possibilities really are endless... provided, of course, you know how to explore them. And that's what this guide is about -- getting you, an infopreneur or digital product creator, the tools and the skills and the orientation you need, to turn your digital content into print format, so you can reach a wider audience and more firmly establish yourself in your own niche of thought leadership.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Tight dresses

Some people are obsessed with tight dresses, In fashion industries they are called skin tight dresses, some drapper makers love it because it needs a beautiful craft and aristocracy to weave such one and needs much attention then the loose dresses, the measurement must be accurate and the dress should look well as well as lucrative also

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

We Have Two Kidneys But Only Need One Kidney To Live

Organ donation is a gift and it should come from the heart, not by emotional coercion. Kidney transplants are the most common organ transplant that happens. Kidney transplants paved the way for surgical teams to develop successful transplantation of other organs including heart, lung, pancreas and liver.

People who do not have good kidneys are very sick. Kidneys do many things that are important to stay healthy. Normal kidneys perform several important tasks that keep the body in good health:

Clean your blood and remove waste products through the formation of urine
Balance fluids in the body by controlling water and salt concentrations
Maintain the balance of the bodys chemicals (potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus)
Control blood pressure
Supply elements used to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the blood
Help sustain strong bones.

One kidney, functioning at 20% capacity, can do all of the above. The kidneys produce urine that drains through narrow tubes (called ureters) into the bladder. Every day the kidneys filter 160 quarts of fluid from the bloodstream, removing about 1-1/2 quarts of waste in the form of urine.

There are two ways to replace the kidneys: dialysis and transplantation. Dialysis is when doctors use a machine and medicines to do the work that kidneys do. A better way to do the kidneys work is to give the person another kidney. To be a candidate for immunotherapy, the patient must be in good general condition, have adequate function of vital organs (such as the heart, lungs and kidneys) and have no brain metastasis.

For those with kidney failure, kidney transplants are preferable to treatment by dialysis. Kidney transplants are designed to treat patients whose kidneys are failing, making them unable to process body waste products. Transplants done relatively soon after starting dialysis are on average more successful than transplants performed two or more years after a patient starts dialysis. Patients who receive live donor kidney transplants usually have much shorter waiting times than those who receive kidneys from deceased donors. Transplants of kidneys from younger donors tend to survive longer than transplants from older donors. <

Kidneys are allocated based on, among other considerations, the match between the donor and recipient blood groups and genetic type (called the tissue type or HLA type). Kidneys taken from living donors often begin to function immediately, while those from cadavers may take up to two weeks for tissues to adjust and become functional.

Unlike the backlog of patients in other medical areas, renal transplants happen when the donor kidney becomes available. On average, patients who are listed for a deceased donor transplant wait approximately three years, but there is a great deal of variability in this. For example, for a patient with a rare tissue type, there will be fewer donors with a tissue type that matches that of the patient well, compared to patients with more common tissue types. Furthermore some patients have antibodies directed against certain tissue types, which means that some, or even most, donor kidneys are not suitable for these patients.

After surgery, patients can expect to be hospitalized for approximately 7 to 10 days. After being discharged patients are seen daily as an outpatient for approximately four weeks. After the daily outpatient visits patients are instructed to do no heavy lifting or exercise for 8 to 10 weeks. Patients who do not smoke or give up smoking, maintain a good body weight and exercise regularly are more likely to have many years of good quality life with a well functioning kidney.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Ben ten games for the kids

Kids love to play Ben Ten games on their I- pod and PCs, The easy process and gaming console make the player easy to log and play,  the inexperience also can play it easily, The cartoon figure boys love it and sure to make them hand to brain exercises available on net and  also with the CD.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Asian Toronto Escorts

Welcome to Asian Toronto Escorts, the original Oriental escort agency in GTA area and still the top of all! We have a great selection of asian escorts in GTA and outcall facilities and other Central Toronto Locations. Outcall within Central Toronto is available for all the girls, but if you want us to come to near areas, we will have to ask for some travel costs. Please agree this with your receptionist when you call. No other hidden charges when you book a Toronto Oriental escort, and all our receptionists are fluent English speakers, to assist you in booking an oriental escort. Our A level escorts gallery is also now available here. Please enjoy looking at the pictures of our sexy oriental girls, and don't hesitate to call us to make a booking or even to ask us a question about our escort service. Thank you and have fun!
All photos in our site are genuine and recent by their origin, the girl you will book (if available) is the girl will show up to the appointment as described in her profile (including age, size and weight)
Asian Toronto escorts serves mainly Asian girls the included (Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos and more other nationality)
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Asian Toronto Escorts
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Thursday, 12 January 2012

What is Soil pH?

Let's get all scientific for a moment and learn what pH is. In chemistry pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a solution is. Okay chemistry lesson over. Basically soil pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline your soil is. Soil pH is measured on a scale of 1 to 14. If your soil has a pH value of less than 7 then you have acidic soil. On the other hand if your soil has a pH value of greater than 7 then you have alkaline soil. A pH value of 7 is neutral, meaning you have neither acidic or alkaline soil.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Do Liberalization so as Privatization and Globalization can do good for mankind?

In the fast-paced, exemplary world today, money matters more than most other things. This is the era of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization.) People are interested in exponential growth of money rather than slow growth. So, instead of saving all your income and using it for your post-retirement life, you can invest your income in a judicious manner to multiply it and earn much more from it.

Investment properties are a hot option for that kind of a plan. Investment property is a property that is not occupied by the owner, usually purchased specifically to generate profit through rental income or capital gains. There are lots of convincing reasons for you to realize the benefits of investment properties.

Property investment is where you make a small investment into a property, typically one still being built, which is known as an off plan property and then go on to rent it out to get good dividends, and then once raised in price, you can sell it to gain a profit or to purchase more property.

No investment today offers the stability and simplicity along with the excellent returns offered by investing in property. The stock market can offer high returns, but it is a very volatile and unsteady place. This is especially true for non-professionals and there are so many external factors that can effect your financial investment. Not to mention the fact that the major stock markets have generally been underperforming and property investment stands head and shoulders above other forms of investments. There are a lot of options when it comes to investing in property, as you can choose the option of investing in Commercial property such as industrial/offices, hotels, apartments, retail s

Property is now the wise investor's weapon of choice. No other investment allows you to purchase with other people's money (Equity partners) and then pay this back with other people's money (the rental income from tenants). If you own a property, you can release equity against that property.

Although there is no law that states that your property will increase in value year on year, it is accepted that a well maintained property in a reasonable area will appreciate in value. It can be a residential property; you can buy it and sell it at a higher rate for capital gain or rent it for regular dividends.

A property worth just €4000 30 years ago would be today worth around €225,000

It is well documented that on average the value of a property doubles every 7 years. Because increased people need it much than that of previous years ahead. The benefit of investing in a property is that you can remove the emotion from the purchase and look at the property as an investment vehicle. This opens a lot of options for you. You can utilize your re-assignable contract option and sell at a substantial profit prior to completion, carrying no redemption penalty or you can take the "buy to let" situation and generate a good reliable rental income, including substantial capital appreciation. hops and the list goes on. It can be a residential property also.

So the question is, we are using people to nourish us better than ever before, this could lead us selfish as well as don't bother manner with in short time, then what will happen to some of human beings who can not buy places or properties? 

Thursday, 5 January 2012

why majority must rule the region or the world

For thousands of years of our world's tradition, majority always rules. The common person decides and the few are left behind. From the old age to now, even the election process of today's world's leaders in their region, it's always the majority of votes that becomes the cause. The good choice is the choice of the common people. But can we indeed rely on the choice of the common people?

Well, to answer that question, we have to enumerate some facts that describe the common people are always left blind in this decision process.

Fact 1: Lying is common to people.
Fact 2: Majority of the people crave for money and fame.
Fact 3: Majority of the people are proud.
Fact 4: The common people have the lack of patience.
Fact 5: True love is rare to common people for their families only
Fact 6: Wisdom is uncommon to people.

Those facts truly we can't deny them. However, I am not concluding that the common choice is always a bad choice. Sometimes, the common choice makes a right choice especially when it is directed or influenced by few extraordinary people. Nevertheless, greatness and good virtue are only found on few people and reliability is not absolute on the majority of the people.

We all need decisions to change or continue our lives. A good decision will bring us success while a bad decision might bring us tragedy. In making a decision, it's very important for us to know what is right or wrong. Most people follow the common decision while some people go into unusual decision. If we will base on the hidden truth behind the people’s heads, majority of them would choose money and fame rather than fact and love. Most humans will choose easiness rather than difficulties. They would choose pride rather than humility.

Life has some decisions to make. It is a gate to enter and a way to walk. There are two kinds of decision a person can choose. These are the hard decisions and the easy decisions. In most cases, the hard decisions are the right decisions, but these are not chosen by most people because of their hardships. Most people like ease and hate sacrifices. That's why they don't succeed in their lives. They avoid love to avoid pains. But what they don't realize is that they are avoiding the greatness and righteousness of life. Difficulty makes life a real life and true love makes life a great life.

In life, there are also two kinds of gates we must choose to get in. There is a wide gate that most people enter because of its effortlessness and convenience. There is also a narrow gate which only few enter because of its difficulties and sacrifices. The wide gate offers convenience, fortune and fame. In the wide gate there are almost no rules and laws to be followed. You can just lie, boast and you can just wear anything . It's such a majestic and decorative gate. It's colorful like casinos and night clubs. That is why many people are attractive and enters in the wide gate.

The people who are well mannered, self educated, enduring and humble. They are the persons who are well disciplined and possess the virtue of honesty and kindness.  We must belong to the few people who enter into the narrow gate. Remember that majority of the people lie and becomes proud. What we need to do is to make our selves extraordinary, extraordinary people who are straight and beyond the usual people who are proud and liars. We must become persons who are great and inherits true life and eventually inherits the real humanity.